When I hear “strength” most of the time I picture someone with defined muscles and an athletic build. Conversely, there are many forms of strength. One such form is enduring strength. And inner strength that enables you to endure those trying times life throws our way.
Life can be hard! Between general life struggles, to relationships, to societal involvements, to even facing down a bad weather day or horrendous traffic on our commute, some days can just suck the ever living life right out of our psyche. I’ve had many of those days, and I know you have had a lot more than you care to admit.
Sometimes we just have to tie a knot and hang on for dear life! Lol! It’s times like those that show what you’re really made of. Sometimes we simply want to give in and crumble. But, there is always the possibility that we can become tougher than anything thrown our way. That is where we build our inner strength. It’s there that we become overcomers.
Overcomers have learned enduring strength. They have the ability to hunker down and endure whatever trying time they are facing. They’ve lived. And they have learned. “This too shall pass” has become their reality. Even if, worst case scenario, a situation lasts to the grave, that too will pass. Eventually.
Barring death though… We must each find our way. Build our inner strength. And, ultimately, find a source for renewing and refreshing ourselves that enables us to keep fighting. I’ve found and discussed my source before. Have you found yours? If not, get crackin’. You never know when you might need to pull from deep within yourself and utilize your own enduring strength.

“But sometimes strength is in enduring. It’s waking up every day and facing the pain, knowing you’ll do it again and again, for as long as you have to. There are a lot of ways to give up…. You didn’t choose any of them. You kept yourself alive long enough to escape.” – Ivy Layne
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