So, it’s been a while since I’ve done a “random thoughts” post. And, it’s been super busy this week. Therefore, here’s some random thoughts that have been flitting though (a.k.a. crowding) my brain lately.
– Did you know it’s almost impossible to set up a new computer without having to “sign in” to almost every browser, application, and even the operating system installed on said computer? Truth.
– Gluten is still a Beast! Yep. I’ve been recovering from being “glutened” for about three weeks now. It all started with one single, simple gummy bear on Halloween. Sigh. Then another exposure. Then another. My body is just mad at me now. It really doesn’t like playing with the Beast. Lol!
– Yay! The holidays are here!!! (I need that happy thought after dealing with computers and gluten issues. Trust me.)
– Compassion is priceless to the soul.
– See the same numbers repeatedly? God does indeed speak through numbers. There are great insights and examples of this in this podcast by Troy Brewer. Check it out!
– Per the aforementioned new computer “sign-in” theatrics… Password “rules” are ever changing. And, yes, creating multiple passwords back to back is indeed mentally exhausting. Hang tough, grasshopper. Hang tough.
– I’ve heard it said “The Kingdom of God is first relational before it is functional”. I’ve found this to be true.
– No matter what life throws at me, I can still find peace in God’s presence.
– Hmmm… My brownie recipe sounds really good right about now.
– A good filing system is vital for any business or home. Professional or personal, legal and bookkeeping records must be kept in an orderly manner for future ease of accessibility. (Yes, a little touch of OCD can be a good thing in this area. Lol)
– If you shop online, use a “rebate” site for cash back on all your purchases. I use Rakuten’s Ebates where I’ve earned anywhere from 1% to 10% back on things I would have purchased anyway. Don’t shop without earning cash back, especially during the holiday season.
– Being creative is cathartic in many ways. Do it. Create to your heart’s content! (How about creative filing??? Yeah, that’d work. Lol!)
– Thinking about giving up? My blogger friend has a write up actually encouraging you to give up. Quite insightful if I do say so myself.
– Exercising vigorously when you’re sick is not good for your body. Be gentle. Give yourself adequate time to heal.
– Let’s shut her down there. Lol! Although, “venting” a few things out has been good. I feel better already! And I’m now hungry for some brownies. Muwahahahaha…
How about you? What are some random things that have been on your mind lately??? Do tell ~ Inquiring minds want to know!
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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