One of the Nightmares of Blogging!

Oh, my gosh, help!  Lol!  I’ve encountered one of the nightmares of blogging… the dreaded missing post. It took me so long to experience this!  Lol!  I mean I made it all the way to creating my second blog post (ironic, right?)  and I officially lost it. “IT” being a nice, loooong post in WordPress editor.  Oh, the frustration! Dang it.

After hunting multiple areas throughout the site, and searching the internet for options, it has become evident that I have joined the crowd of bloggers that have lost a post, even though drafts were auto-saved every few seconds. Sigh.

Oh, well. What’s a girl to do??? Laugh (hysterically)? Cry (it has its merits)?Well. This girl is going to choose to laugh. Then she’ll pick herself up and begin writing a frustrated nightmares post. Lol! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 😁

I have been thinking on that (now lost) topic for about a week. I was typing and editing for about an hour tonight, when… BOOM! Gone. Just gone. The entire thing… POOF! And, gone. All that free-flowing thought. Just gone. No notes. No backups. Just. Gone.

Well, lesson learned! Never using that program during my collaboration process again. I’ll use something else. Currently, I’m using a note in Google Keep, which syncs across all my devices. Another option would be Dropbox, which utilizes a cloud type storage for saved files. I think I’ll stick with Keep for now though. It’s absolutely seemless and instantly saves everything typed. Problem. Solved.

Now for the infamous lost post. I’m going to have to sit on it for a bit. You know, kind of let my thoughts resettle and recollect themselves. (And let my frustrations dissipate. Lol) It was a good post in the making. I’ll work on it again sometime soon. So hang in there. You’ll get to read it eventually. I promise.

Meanwhile, have you ever lost a document? What did you do to recover it, or to recover from the loss? Oh! If you have a “lost and found” experience with WordPress Editor please share! There are many bloggers, like myself, that would love to learn from those who have been there, done that. Regardless, WordPress related or not, please do share your experiences. Enquiring minds want to know!

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