Eye Exercises for Better Eyesight

Have you ever heard of eye exercises that claim to actually improve your eyesight? I haven’t! Yet, the claims are that you can indeed reverse your poor eyesight. Therefore, I invite you to explore this option with me. Learn with me. And, hopefully, we improve our eyesight together as well. What Made Me Search For Read More …

Change Has Arrived in Quirky Land!

As my title states, change has indeed arrived! MyQuirkyFriend now has a new look. (How do you like it??? Lol!) As much as I’d like to take complete credit for the change on my website, I cannot. You see, my website “theme” updated a week or so back. And along with that update came quite Read More …

Healing Emotional Wounds ~ New and Old

Healing is a process. And along that process we must face our wounds. New wounds. Old wounds. You know, “leave no stone unturned”. I’m not saying you must attack every hurt and every painful memory at one time. But, when a wound, or a deep emotional response presents itself, we must dig into it and Read More …

Delicious Gluten Free Eggplant Recipe

A few weeks ago I was given some eggplant. I don’t usually like it, but figured I’d give it a try. I decided I’d try this ominous vegetable while I had some for free. What did I have to lose, right? So, I hit the google to see if I could make this previously hated Read More …