Baby Break Time! New Life On The Quirky Homestead

Yes, new life, you read that right. As I’ve mentioned in the past, we started a bit of homesteading a while back. Then last year we had our first batch of rabbit kits born. Indeed things have been a bit busy around our place. Not to mention all the craziness that’s been going on in society at large with politics and Covid stuffs. Yeah, it’s definitely crazy out there. Lol!

So, now is indeed a great time to take a break from those heavier topics of life with something a bit more “light and fluffy”. Literally. And you can’t get more fluffy than little bunnies, now can you? I think not!

But, wait! Don’t answer yet. There’s more! We have also been multiplying in baby chicks! Words will never beat visually seeing these cute little visions of new life. So, what better way to share than with pics. Right?! So let’s jump in!

Bunnies (aka Kits)

Rabbit kits are born without fur. Then quickly within the first week become covered in a nice fluffy fur coat. They definitely turn up the “awwww” factor. Theses wascally wabbits are quickly jumping everywhere! But, as you can see, their current past time is snuggling up together in their cubby spot.

Little Chicks

I had decided to let a broody hen “sit” some eggs. I’ve never personally had chicks hatched before, so I was interested in the process. What I forgot to take into account was that Ms. Broody was camping out in a favorite nesting box of the others hens. Yes, hens will develop a favorite spot to lay their eggs. And, consequently, several hens may develop a fondness for the same spot, or laying box. Hence, every time Ms. Broody got up, other hens would lay an egg in her spot.

Before I realized it, there were multiple eggs in her box. So, I quickly learned how to “candle” an egg to see if it had a chick growing inside. I marked the incubating eggs lightly with a sharpie. (A safer option for marking the eggs is to use a pencil or crayon.) Then I removed the others. (Yep. That’s the reason for the markings on my eggs in the pics.)

Ultimately, from candling the eggs, I ended up with six eggs incubating under Ms. Broody. All unmarked eggs were removed daily.

Speaking of Chickens and Eggs NOT hatching… I’m getting overrun by eggs! If you know me, help a girl out and give me a call! Thanks!

Then There’s Our Garden

(not quite “new life” but, still. Lol)

Everything is sprouting and growing really well this year. Especially, thanks to all the constant raining we’ve had over the last month or so. Or, should I say, in spite of all the constant raining of late. Lol!

I would really, really like to show off our raised garden beds. But, I just realized that I don’t have many pics of our garden. I must be a bit preoccupied with the kits and chicks. Lol! But, here are our first cherry tomatoes of the season. We are super happy with this new growth because we grew these plants from seeds. Yep. We’re stoked!

(If I get a chance I’ll snap a few pics of all our other garden goodness. Then add them to this post.)

Yes, indeed! There is new life all around our place. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little break with me in Quirky-land. And, now I’m off to check on all my little animals and plants.

Ya’ll have a great week ahead!


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