Facing Opposition

It has occurred to me that I may be facing some fierce opposition, or oppositions. A few weeks ago I pretty much ranted in a post to my “diary” about what all my body has been dealing with in the last four months. It hasn’t been pretty, or fun.

What makes me think I’m facing opposition???

Well, the day after I posted my “Dear Diary” post, I was meeting up with friends. And in the course of conversation, my weary tale of recent months came out. Then I was asked if I thought I was facing opposition. An unseen force that was keeping me from doing anything in particular. Hmmm… well, yes. Yes, there did seem to be one common factor that kept getting blocked from my accomplishments list.

You see last year, I started painting. And it has flourished! (I’ll share more of that later. Here’s my YouTube channel, if you’d like to check some of it out now.) But, it seems that every time I plan to do anything that pertains to my painting, something comes along and prevents me from doing so.

Then someone asked if I had issues simply getting to that gathering. Well, yes, kinda. The day before I woke up to a completely flat tire. So, I switched from my vehicle to our spare one. It was a smaller vehicle, but I was still able to do the things I needed to do.

That evening my talented man took a look at it. The tire had gotten a couple of short screws in it. Hubby repaired them with plugs, aired it up, and I was good to go! Then the following morning it was flat again. He pulled the tire off this time and found more screws. (Darn it! Time for a trip to the tire repair shop.)

He put the spare on, but warned me to stay local until I could get my tire replaced. The nine year old spare was low when he put it on. He did air it up, and it held. (Woohooooo!) But, he didn’t feel confident with me cruising all over the place on it. So, I decided it’s only trip would be to the tire shop. (We both knew he’d be the one to have to come help me if it had issues. Plus, now I didn’t have a spare.)

So, that afternoon I headed off to the meeting with friends. I was still driving the smaller, spare vehicle. Per GPS, it was a fifty minute drive. I knew that long of a drive would wear me out but I figured it would be worth it. The weather was clear and sunny, but unfortunately, included high winds. On the open highway it was extremely windy. Like really windy! In that smaller vehicle, which I was unaccustomed to, driving into that wind was tough!

With my recent fatigue issues, it became even more of a battle to keep that thing in my lane. I seriously considered, multiple times, just turning around and going home. At this point a nap was sounding way better than the planned meetup. But, I counted down with the GPS and actually arrived a little faster than it predicted. Whew.

So, opposition?

Yes. Yes, I faced opposition. I faced opposition all the way to this meeting. All. The. Way. Then it hit me. This meeting wasn’t just about a group of new friends getting together. We were creating a new painting group. This was only our second gathering. We were there to paint and learn new painting stuffs from each other. And, multiple times I had wondered if I’d be able to make the drive. Multiple times I almost decided to ditch it and not go.

The impact of their questions, and the reality of such constant opposition was surprising. Actually, if I can be brutally honest, it was a little startling. The reality hit me then. My art is something so important that I am literally going to have to fight for it. And, as a mostly chill and non-confrontational gal, I don’t really get wound up about much of anything. But, my art is definitely becoming one of the things I will fight for. And apparently, I have a fierce fight on my hands indeed.

But, then Covid19…..

Yep. The latest strain of the Corona-virus is officially worldwide now. Every country has some form of isolation recommended or even enforced. Suddenly there are a whole lot of people facing “opposition” and finding they also have some things worth fighting for.

The news is so full of warnings and statistics. Negative news about grocery shortages in stores; even though there are plenty of supplies in the pipeline. It seems that literally every little thing is a battle in one way or another. Sigh. Should we despair? Should we hold out hope?

HOPE is definitely worth fighting for!

Ultimately, when everything is shaken down, spun around, and spit out you have to decide for yourself where you will land. For me, that landing point is back in the arms of my savior, Jesus Christ. I am, after all, a hope fanatic.

I know without a doubt where my help comes from. It comes from the Lord (Ps 121). So, with all the constant distraction, concerns, and oppositions in my life lately I know God is still my dependable constant. He is indeed an anchor in this storm. As the book Anchored in Freedom suggests, His messages of hope can indeed restore me and set me free.

So, what about you? Are you facing opposition lately? Go ahead and reset. Chill a bit. Get re-centered with God. Then look for that common denominator that is the one thing that always seems to get eliminated. Then, and only then, can you discern if that is something you must gain the strength and fortitude to fight for at every turn.

May the Lord guide you and protect you as you face your oppositions amidst all the other things life is currently throwing your way.

Where does your help come from???


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