Corona-virus: The Strange and The Facts

By know we’ve all heard of the Corona-virus, and its Covid-19 strain. We’ve all heard about the Corona-virus breakout in China, Italy, and even the sporadic but growing spread across the USA. It is indeed spreading. But, I do believe the precautions are paying off. The numbers in China are already starting to drop off. Surely, the rest of the world will follow suit in the weeks to come. At least, that is the path we appear to be on for now.

Conversely, I do believe there has been a bit of hype and hysteria to everything surrounding the virus. Unfortunately, that has brought out the extremes in the opposite direction. And from that corner we now have quite the collection of funny memes surrounding the Corona-virus like the ones below.

But… There’s definitely a serious side to the Corona-virus. People are dying. No matter their age, deaths are traumatic for close family and friends. And, a lot more numbers of people are getting sick.

It has occurred to me that my risk for contracting Corona-virus may be a little more elevated due to my recent health struggles. I’ve kinda taken on multiple dings in my armor, so to speak. But, despite my own health history, I feel my immune system is on the strong side. (Yay!) So, even if I did contract the virus, I believe I am strong enough that I will eventually recover from it.

But, still. Like everyone else, I have been doing my own research. There’s a lot of misinformation out there; not to mention the extremes on the topic. Therefore, its been a bit of a trial to find sites that will simply share the facts. I have come to visit two sites for my primary sources of information. I’ll keep it short and simple. The two sources are the national health organizations for general Corona-virus information and the worldometer site for stats. I check each to get accurate information and up-to-date stats from around the world about the Corona-virus.

For official information on the latest health information concerning the Corona-virus, or Covid-19, check out the Corona-virus links to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) or the WHO (World Health Organization).

Here’s a good info-graphic that covers symptoms and warning signs.

And here’s some good prevention steps you can take.

Here’s the CDC’s basic info-graphic for Corona-virus prevention.

For current up to date stats on the Corona-virus, check out

The graphic below reflects the worldometer’s Corona-virus stats, as of March 13, 2020 at 9:30pm EST, for the top ten countries affected by the Corona-virus, or Covid-19. Click the link above for the complete list and up-to-date stats.

It may look extremely bad in some of those stats, but we must remain calm and look at the full stats. Notice that far more people are recovering than those who do not. Coming down with the Corona-virus is not an instant death sentence.

We must educate ourselves and take the necessary precautions to preserve our health. Ensure your home is stocked enough to cover your basic needs for two to three weeks in the event you do become ill. (NOTE: This is NOT the time for prepper style hoarding of stocks of food, medicine, supplies, and toilet paper. You can do that a little at a time later. Then you’ll be prepared if needed in the future.) Just get the basics to cover you for now.

Meanwhile, don’t panic. Be cautious. Be kind to your fellow man. Don’t forget to cover your cough and wash your hands. And, of course, stay home if you’re sick.


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6 Replies to “Corona-virus: The Strange and The Facts”

    1. So, very true! It is comical in the aspect of we indeed should be doing all these basics all along. On the plus side, once everyone “stockpiles” for a possible two week quarantine, the stores should be fully stocked, absent of crowds, and a dream to shop in! Lol

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