While the Covid-19 virus has spread across the world, so have the stories of many helpers that are spreading good wherever it’s needed.
You know what I’m talking about. It’s the stories that are springing up everywhere around us. These are the stories of everyday people like you and me. Transformations of people becoming the much appreciated helpers to those in need around them.
So many helpers, in so little time….
There are those that sprung into action to sew a multitude of masks for those in need of them. Some went as far as to supply complete strangers, companies, and even industries with masks. There were even networks of people that pitched in to help get these newly sewn masks into the recipient’s hands.
A virtual tag team developed seemingly overnight. A team devoted to simply sewing, transporting, and delivering the needed supplies. And it didn’t stop at masks either. There are people shopping for neighbors and immune compromised friends and family.
Then there are the “parades” that snake through neighborhoods to greet a special person. Parades are happening for a child’s birthday, a birth announcement, and a multitude of other things.
There are many more of these stories in the Facebook groups like the group Look for the Helpers – Covid19. Check it out!
While it’s true we need to stay connected to the latest updates and news in society, that is not all there is to life. It does a body good to also see all the good going on around us.
Of course, I have also helped here and there. But, it’s seeing and hearing about all the helping hands out there that is renewing my faith in my fellow man. Not only that, with the stories coming from all over the world, I have renewed hope for all of humanity worldwide.
We did this. We did this together. Thank you! Keep up the good work!
Now get back out there and join in when you can. Be one of the those that is lending a hand where needed.
Thank you! You Are Greatly Appreciated!
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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