How I Became the “My Quirky Friend” Blogger

My life as a blogger, My Quirky Friend, officially began one year ago this past week. In fact, last week’s post was a blog party celebrating my fifty-second weekly post, and my blogiversary. Check it out. You know you want to! Lol

Anyway, I digress. Reaching this blog milestone has me thinking about how my journey to blogging got started. What better time to share the roots of My Quirky Friend than now. So grab a snack, get comfy, and let’s journey back in time to June of 2018.

June 2018

Last June I went on an overnight ladies retreat with my church. It was a quick but packed two days! On the evening of our stay we attended a small church service hosted by friends of our fearless leader. The worship music was amazing. The speaker was very insightful and thought provoking.

After the service was over, the church leadership in attendance sat and talked with us as a group, and individually. At one point the speaker looked me right in the eye and began asking me a few questions. Again, his insight was amazing.

He asked if I wrote a lot. (No. Not really. Though I do have the knack for it.) I shook my head. Then he said, “I see you writing a book.” (I laughed internally. I’d heard that quite a few times in the months prior to this night. But… It did not resonate with me. So, move along kind sir. Move along.)

The Moment My “Blogger Baby” Lept…

Then he said something that changed everything for me. He said, and I quote, “Wait. Not a book. A blog. I see you writing a blog.” My world stopped. And it stopped mid-word as he was saying “blog” that very first time. I kid you not. Something within me jumped to life. It was almost like I was vibrating with urgency to accomplish this blog thing he spoke of.

Crazy, right? But, whatever. People get all goose bumpy at church meetings. Then, nothing. “We’ll see”, I told myself. “We’ll see.” Lol

The meeting concluded. The retreat ended the next day and we headed home. My weekend was busy, and rushed, as I had a birthday party to attend immediately upon my return to the “real world”. Life goes on, right? Life goes on.

It wasn’t until the day after my return that I finally had some “down time”. While enjoying my chill time, that darn blog concept returned and would not leave me alone. So, I hit the Google and started reading about the how-to’s of blogs, websites, hosting services, widgets, plugins, and other stuffs. So many, many things to consider that it all boggled my mind.

Following the Urgency Towards Peace

But, that blog thing would not leave me. It was like thinking of scaling a mountain. Intimidating, yet exhilarating. So, nightly I was back on the Internet researching every aspect of it. Narrowing my options if I decided to give this thing a go. By mid week, things in my research began to make more sense, I figured out I was going to probably give it a go. But… Later. Ya know?

Uh. No. That whole later bit did not sit well. Was I really going to have to climb this mountain? Well, there wasn’t any peace in thinking about waiting. And, I’m all about the peace. Follow the peace, people! (And I mean the amazing, indescribable inner peace Christian’s have that comes from following the Holy Spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. HIS peace will never lead you wrong.)

So, the battle of the week was “Do it later, girl!” vs Peace. I fought that battle for days. Yes, I “counseled” the Lord. HE didn’t budge. I hung on, and counseled. And bargained. And begged. I lasted a long time! Seriously, I lasted, for like, a whole three days. Lol! And, eventually, I cracked.

I knew I was going to start a blog. I knew it was going to happen. By then, I was trying to figure out when to start. And I couldn’t come up with any reason to delay. Plus, there was that whole “urgency” thing still hounding me. So, I finally quit fighting it. I finally decided to quit messing around and start climbing this proverbial mountain to become a blogger.

It was exactly eight days after that fateful Friday night meeting that I signed on with a web-hosting service called Bluehost with WordPress . I quickly utilized a basic web-page theme, and began creating all the basic pages and filling in required information, and adding other stuff common on most websites. And a mere day later, I published my website “Live” on the world wide web. Yikes! Ready or not world, here I come!

And Here I Am!

Indeed, the world kept turning. Weekly, topics simply came to me; they still come to me. And blog posts virtually write themselves most of the time. Seriously, I’m glad I listened a year ago. I’m glad I didn’t ignore the urgency or the curiosity. To stick with my metaphor, the mountain climbing isn’t so bad once you decide to learn the necessities of surviving on the mountain. Knowledge is power, peeps!

Anyway, becoming a blogger has been so good for me. At the most basic, my ability to write no longer has a negative connotation over it. On the larger scale, I am able to share insights that speak to others, and even help them on their own journeys through this thing we call life.

Whether you’re a blogger or not, when you get that spark within you FOLLOW IT!

Test it. Try it out. You never know where it might lead. It might actually spring forth something highly valuable to you in the future.

Go ahead! Dive in! Climb YOUR Mountain!


As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add?  Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share.  Talk to you soon!

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4 Replies to “How I Became the “My Quirky Friend” Blogger”

  1. I love these kinds of post! They are so interesting and everyone has unique reasons for starting their blog! Congratulations on your year blogging too!!! I love reading all your blog posts xxx

    1. Agreed! I love reading backstories too. Awww.. thank you! And thank you for being a loyal reader! xxx

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