Have you ever been tempted to just throw in the towel? Lol! I mean, yeah, it’s been that kind of week, err, month. Ok. Looking back it’s pretty much been that kind of a year for just about all of us. Am I right? Yep. I think we’re all in agreement here. From Covid-19 to a little bit of everything else, this year has brought on a ton of upheaval in one way or another, to almost everyone on this entire planet.
Although, as much as I hate the massive upheaval that has been going on, there are many good “settling” things to be grateful for.
For example, around our house, we had just bought toilet paper when suddenly everybody and their dogs began buying it all at once. Therefore, we were not affected by the resulting shortage. (Whew!) I do tend to buy in bulk which means shopping at less frequent intervals than most folks. So, my house did ok as stock of varying items became scarce in the stores over the ensuing weeks. (Again.. Whew! And, thank you, Jesus, for that good habit!)
Despite all the rough stuff this year has brought, looking back over the first half of this year, I can see where I have experienced the goodness of God here in the land of the living. As mentioned, I had toilet paper, when many were running out. But, I also had food, a relatively healthy family, and the social support of an amazing church family.
Also, our jobs were classified under the “essential worker” categories.
Therefore, we were still able to work. Albeit, the “work” slowed down extensively. Yet, we were still able to pinch things down and stay somewhat afloat through most of the lock down. (Again, thank you, Jesus!) And, although things are still way too tight, it appears as though we may actually survive this year’s madness with our jobs/careers in tack. Yes, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s still a long, long, dark tunnel. But, there appears to be a spot of light beginning to shine through that darkness.
Looking over things, there’s more to be thankful for.
Seriously. Even with all those things going in our favor, there are still many areas to be thankful for. Among them is my art, which seems to be taking on a life of its own. It seems to be growing and spreading without much effort on my part. Or, I could say, in spite of my efforts the possibilities are growing and spreading steadily. Regardless, whichever way it’s happening, it’s amazing to witness. At every turn there seems to be another door opening for me in that arena. Or, another skill creeping up out of nowhere. Like I said, it’s amazing to witness.
So, there’s hope within on a day to day pattern. Honestly, at this point, some of it relies on promises I have that more and greater things are yet to come. Only time will tell what materializes and what does not. But, still. The constant shifts happening are amazing. And I’m continually shocked at the provision provided at every turn. Ultimately, its a continual lesson in stepping forward in faith. Trusting God to lead me where He is guiding me to go.
So, despite the horrendous year 2020 is turning out to be, there are definitely some extremely positive things springing up as well. We need only consider looking back periodically, while also looking forward to the hope ahead of us. There is indeed good around us throughout our journey if we will only acknowledge it in our lives.
What about you? Can you see the good despite the bad? Do tell! I would love to hear what surprisingly good things you’ve encountered this year.
Take a look back, but always keep looking forward for what is yet to come. The possibilities are endless!
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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