As the “icepocolypse” hit Texas this month, it was the spirit of unity that helped many households survive the unprecedented weather. There were many harrowing survival stories on the news and social media sites from across the state of Texas. Many stories of the measures taken to survive the unusually extreme cold in the normally mild weathered state. Then there were the stories of people coming together to help those who lost power or water, or both.
It’s very heartwarming to know when all else fails, humans do, and will, come together to care for their fellow man. I know we offered up our home to several people. And at one point we even lost power ourselves. And when that happened there were others offering us warm shelter as well. These are the times that try men’s souls. But, they’re also times when our instinctive, inborn caring natures rise to the occasion.
My favorite unity story of the storm is this one.
The short of it is covered very succinctly in this video of how churches of multiple denominations came together in one Texas town to help the people throughout their town and surrounding areas. This is what I was talking about when I compared the church to a football team. It’s the epitome of unity within the Body of Christ that Jesus prayed for in John 17.
“that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. … I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” ~ John 17:21,23 (emphasis added)
Here’s a video of one of the church’s recap of coming together in unity to provide shelter during the icy week.
They put together a small panel of church members and staff that shared some of the stories they experienced during the week. (The pastor shares for about nine minutes on unity. Then there’s the video on multiple churches coming together which is mentioned above. And the stories of the warming shelter experiences begin about the 15 minute mark.)
This is different than the norm.
In many areas, churches seem to prefer to work independently of each other. I’ve heard several people say in recent years that this division will not last. That we are fast approaching a day when the true Body of Christ will put aside their differences in methods to unite and truly be the “hands and feet of Jesus” to the people of the community.
This “icepocolypse” was a great example of that unity of Christians to help our fellow man. There were many stories I heard where people were let down by their local governments. Yet, a church or a Christian was there to fill the need. And that is what Christ wants His people to do. We are to help those in need. Whatever the need, somehow the “helper” is able to provide. Jesus is the only one who knows and is capable of truly filling the gap. HE is the one that can connect the giver and the recipient. And, yes, He uses mere men and women to do this time and time again. (Just like was shared in the stories of the video above.)
Like I said, my favorite story to come out of this so-called “icepocolypse” is the unifying of different Christian denominations to help their region in this extreme time of need. It inspires us all to step up when the time calls for it.
Ultimately, at the end of the day, we are all simply human beings facing the same physical needs as our fellow man. And, yes, we all need a little help from time to time. And that is when unity helps us overcome anything this crazy life dares to throw in our path.
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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