At the church I attend we do a “probable, improbable, and impossible” exercise at the beginning of very calendar year. We fill out what I like to call “the impossible cards”. I think their official name is “Vision Casting” cards. Nevertheless, I’ve come to look forward to the exercise.
We fill out a card the size of a postcard, and include our address on the back (if we want it returned), then turn it in. The church prays over the cards; coming into agreement with the prayer petitions written out. Then they store all the cards until early November. At that point the cards are mailed back to the individuals. It’s always interesting to see what I wrote down months prior. And even more so to realize the prayers I had forgotten about that have been answered as the year passed.
22 “Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, ‘The days are prolonged, and every vision fails’? 23 Tell them therefore, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I will lay this proverb to rest, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel.” ’ But say to them, ‘ “The days are at hand, and the [a]fulfillment of every vision. (Ezekiel 12:22-23 NKJV)
Every year in January we are given those cards, and they include the following phrase. “The days are at hand when every vision will be fulfilled.” (Verse 23 above is our reference point.) On the card, this is followed by three categories and a few lines of space to write under each category. The point is to list things you are trusting God for in the upcoming calendar year. Go ahead and make a list for yourself. Keep reading to see how it works.
PROBABLE, Improbable, & Impossible
Under this category, focus on things you’re trusting God for that are “probably” going to happen with a little prayer and some effort. These are things you know you have an influence over. Also, these things are highly probable with some action and a little help or favor from God.
Think about that. What things come to mind? Write them down.
Probable, IMPROBABLE, & Impossible
The “improbable” category covers things that will take more work. More effort on your part. Possibly involving other people, and/or factors unknown at this time. And, this category definitely requires more trust in God than the probable category. Here you are stretching your faith “muscles”. Despite your efforts, these things will definitely require action from God to see progress, or achievement, by the end of the year.
Come on. I know you have several things that fit this category. Again, are specific things coming to mind? Trust God. Write them down.
Probable, Improbable, & IMPOSSIBLE
This is the category where the “rubber meets the road” in your faith walk. This is the category that totally exempts you and all your efforts. It’s in this category that you list things that are completely impossible to accomplish in your own efforts, alone or with help from other people. Here are the things that will only happen by a move of God.
The Almighty God can, and does, move mountains. List those mountains! Trust God with the impossibles in your life! You’ll never know what can happen until you jump in with both feet. And this is definitely a category that’s worth jumping into. So, go ahead. List out your impossibilities you’re willing to trust God with. Write them down.
Results Don’t Lie
Just like our words have power, so do our prayers. And more importantly are the prayers we write down. Our words, in writing are vital. This is referred to as a petition. As with legal “petitions”, our written petitions with God also carry a lot of weight. (Ph 4:6, I Sam 1:27, Ps 20:5)
Every year when these cards are returned, I hear so many amazing testimonies. My personal list of answered prayers from these annual cards is no different. From a family member being set free from addiction, to my improved health, and increased opportunities to bless others, these cards have added a transformational layer to my faith.
Therefore, I challenge you to make a list of probable, improbable, and impossible things of your own. Write them out. Pray over your list. Then put it away until the end of the year. Or, you can seal it in an envelope and have a friend mail it back to you at a time you request. Either way, do it. You’ll be glad you did!
So, Go for it! I dare you!
Trust God to turn your probables, improbables, and impossibles into realities.
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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Thanks for sharing. I did go for it, my list for prayers is done 🙂
Awesome! Please plan to come back and update us at the end of the year. I’d love to hear your results.