Random Thoughts 20.3 ~ Entertainment by My Quirky Brain

Well, here we are once again with random, fragmented thoughts parading through my head. It gets annoying, to tell you the truth. Sigh. I have a perfectly good post in my head. Yet, my brain is absolutely not cooperating with me in getting it out at the moment. So… As the saying goes, “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”. Therefore, its officially time for another random thoughts post. Woohooo!!!

~ First off, did you know a viral infection can leave you with viral arthritis? Furthermore, viral arthritis can last for weeks, months, and even years. It’s true. And I’ve been living it. The worst joint is my dominant shoulder.

But, wait! Are you familiar with my ‘random thoughts” posts? If not, you can check out my first and last random thoughts posts before you venture any further. Take a few minutes to check them out now, or forever hold your peace. Muwahahaha!!!!

~ Soooo… We’ve been heading off into “homestead” land. Lol! Yep, we’ve gotten ourselves some animals, and have been doing a bit of gardening. Oh, the excitement!

~ I love this song ~

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” ​— ​William Faulkner

PSA ~ Oxygen is vital for life. IF your doctor has recommended you wear oxyegn daily, then please do so. I know someone who kept claiming they didn’t need it, and would go random long periods without it. Their willful refusal to wear their oxygen resulted in them having one too many “episodes” of low oxygen. As a result, they are now forced to live in a memory care nursing facility. It’s sad. So, if you really love your life, and your family, then please wear your oxygen!

~ Did you know you can oven fry fresh okra? Simply wash the okra; cut off them stem end; toss or spray with olive oil; sprinkle with salt, pepper or other seasonings as desired; place on a cookie sheet, or in an air fryer; bake at 400* for 15-20 minutes (less time for air frying) or to desired tenderness and browning. Enjoy! (Your welcome.)

Speaking of animals. Have chickens??? Here’s a nifty trick to easily catch a chicken. It works too!

~ Carrots, in large quantities, are actually not healthy for rabbits to eat. It’s true. Although they absolutely love greens in any shape or form! Therefore, keep the carrots to an occasional treat in their diet.

~ Oh, man. Speaking of treats… Some brownies sound really good right about now. Yum!

But, first, dinner. That proverbial thing that comes around daily. So, enough with random thoughts. I’m off to prepare our evening meal. I’m thinking hamburgers on the grill. Yum!

Have a great weekend folks!!!


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