Random Thoughts 19.1

Photo by Seth Fink from unsplash

My brain seems to be scattered with way too many random thoughts this week. So, what’s a girl to do when she needs to write a blog post and time is getting short??? Hmmm… No need to panic. Embrace the whirlwind! (Go ahead. You know you want to join me. Muwahahaha…..)

Apparently, my mosh pit of thoughts is winning out over here in Quirky-ville. So, here’s another round of random thoughts from yours truly.

◇ – Did you know twizzlers are NOT gluten free?  I know!  It’s a travesty!

▪ – After doing some research, according to NETBible, knees metaphorically mean “strength” in scripture. Who knew?!?

○ – According to a friend of mine, painting can be quite cathartic. And, expensive! Lol! Start small grasshopper. Start small.  Your spouse will greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome.

● – Praise Jesus our temps are above 0*F. Well, they’re a lot higher than that around this neck of the woods. But, at least I don’t have to worry about freezing my lungs simply by breathing. Geez! That’s COLD!

□ – Spam with cheddar cheese is GOOD!   Spam, the canned meat not the annoying email variety. Lol!  Spam, sliced and browned in a pan. Then covered in shredded cheese. Let it melt. Scrumptious!

■ – “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” – Jackie Robinson.  Great quote!  Here’s a short but good post that covers Jackie Robinson a little more in depth.

♡ – Grandchildren are the best!  Yes.  Even better than spam and cheddar.  Obviously. 

♤ – A positive attitude is vital when battling any chronic health condition.   It. Is. Vital.

♧ – Magnesium is required for the body to properly absorb calcium.  According to multiple sites, including MgWater.com, which states “without magnesium, calcium may be not fully utilized, and under-absorption problems may occur”. 

☆ – TGIF!!!!


As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add?  Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share.  Talk to you soon!

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3 Replies to “Random Thoughts 19.1”

    1. Thank you! My first blog nomination. How awesome is that! And Viola’!!! Now I have the topic my next blog post. Yes! Thanks again!

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