With Valentine’s Day just days away I thought I’d share some of my favorite love songs with you guys. Like with most people, my hubby and I get annoyed with the commercialization of every little thing that’s celebrated in most developed countries. Therefore, we choose to keep things low-key and focus more on our relationship and our love & commitment for each other.
One of the simplest ways to do that is to share music and other things that express our love for each other. Here are a few songs that top our list. Hopefully, they will help get you inspired for the upcoming Valentine’s Day. Enjoy!
“Two Sparrows in a Hurricane” by Tanya Tucker
This song makes me think of young love, which grows throughout the years spent together. Through good times, and the not so good times, our commitment to our beloved will survive. This song has always struck a chord with me. Hence, why its on my list of fav love songs.
Like two sparrows in a hurricane
Chorus from “Two Sparrows in a Hurricane” by Tanya Tucker
Trying to find their way
With a head full of dreams
And faith that can move anything
They’ve heard it’s all uphill
But all they know is how they feel
The world says they’ll never make it
Love says they will
“Just Give Me A Reason” by Pink (ft Nate Ruess)
Relationship on the rocks? This song speaks hope that as long as there’s “just one reason” to keep fighting, then…Keep fighting. And, since relationships aren’t always sunshine and unicorns, when times are a little rockier this song reminds me to focus on the reasons that remind me why I chose my awesome man to begin with. There’s always hope to bring things back to a healthy center point. When in need, may this song bring you renewed hope for your relationship.
“Perfect” by Ed Sheeran
This, of course, is one of my favorite current hits for love songs. Who hasn’t been captivated by this song? I know just about all the females that have heard it are captivated by the romance the lyrics convey. Who wouldn’t want to be serenaded by the love of their life with this song. Am I right??? (Yes, dudes, please take note for your love’s sake. Your welcome.)
Our Personal All-Time Favorites!
The next two are songs we had played at our wedding, many moons ago. Lol! And, yes, they have stood the test of time. These still speak from our hearts. I hope they speak into your relationship as well.
“Open Arms” by Journey (Hubby’s fav)
This is my hubby’s favorite. And, it was his choice song for our wedding. Here is the chorus. It still melts my heart all over again with his love for me expressed throughout this song.
So now I come to you
“Open Arms” by Journey
With open arms
Nothing to hide
Believe what I say
So here I am
With open arms
Hoping you’ll see
What your love means to me
Open arms
“Faithfully” by Journey (All Time Fav!)
This is my all time favorite love song. This was my choice for our wedding. I thought about posting the chorus, or some of the lyrics here. I simply couldn’t make up my mind! So, you’ll just have to listen closely to the lyrics as you play the video. Every phrase and verse has some specific meaning for me about my man. May this song speak to you as strongly as it speaks to me.
Well, I think I’ll stop there with the songs. Remember, every holiday is what you make it. Whether your choice is a simple night or a flashy one, that choice is yours. (Kinda rings of my choices post. Lol)

On a side note… Speaking of celebrating…. look at this meme. I have friends that do this at every important date: birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and so on. You get the idea. They even visit the flower, sweets, and steak sections. Their pic progress is hilarious! Its really a fun idea! No budget necessary. And, as long as both parties are into the idea, its a win-win whether money is a concern or not.
Anyway, make your choice and own it. No regrets! Show your mate your heart. Woo them all over again. Whether its high dollar flowers, chocolates, and a night on the town, or free exchanges at all the departments in the supermarket like the meme describes, or even a simple quiet night at home…. Embrace your love and cherish your beloved.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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