Hope you’ve have a wonderful and merry Christmas weekend. This year of 2020 has definitely thrown some doozies our way. But, hopefully, we have all found a way to celebrate this annual holiday with some semblance of normalcy.
My holiday has went fairly well. Amongst my adventures in rabbit holes, there have been a few new memories being made. Yay! And here’s hoping that next year’s holiday season is a bit more joyful, and a lot less eventful.
Last year I shared several of my favorite Christmas songs, which you can check out here. And the previous year I shared several songs including classic holiday favorites; you can check out those selections here. This year I thought I’d keep it short and simple for a change.
As a Christian I am forever grateful for the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, our Messiah. I cannot adequately put into words the impact and transformation my Savior has made in my life. HE is absolutely the unmistakable source of my indescribable peace. Peace which is an absolute must in this current world we live in.
So, if you don’t currently know Jesus in that capacity, then I encourage you to seek Him out. Ask. Seek. Search. You will undoubtedly find Him when you do. After all, He always answers those who earnestly seek Him.
In addition to our soul’s salvation, there are so many more things to be thankful for. So, be sure to take some time this holiday to “count your blessings”. I’m sure you’ll find a few valuable nuggets that have survived this crazy year. And those are definitely some things to be thankful for.
As promised, I’m going to keep thus post short. So, join me in one more song as we wrap up this holiday season and head into a new year filled with a world hope.
World of Grace by Bryan and Katie Torwalt
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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