Public Speaking ~ Should I Stay, or Should I Go

Have you ever had the privilege to speak in front of a group?  I have.  My most recent time was just last week.  I think I did great!  Well, except for the nervousness that set in about thirty minutes before the multiple speakers were to begin.  Then it was like “What was I thinking consenting Read More …

Trash and Treasure

Its trash day.  Trash is out at almost every house I’ve passed on my way coming and going today.  Then I saw this particular pile ready for pick up.  Someone is obviously in the midst of moving, or at least simply cleaning out the old stuffs. It happens.  We accumulate stuff.  LOTS of stuff piles Read More …

Choices. Choose Wisely, My Friends

Choices, choices!  Every day we’re faced with multiple, unending choices and decisions we have to make.  Some are easy and some are not.  Can I get an “Amen!”?!?!?   What ever happened to that childhood fantasy of being an “adult with lots of freedom”?  Lol!   Yeah, right.  Hello!  Life!  Smh….  That freedom comes with a Read More …

Living Your Passion

What is your passion?  What makes you tick?  Does one thing come to mind?  Several things?  Now I’m not talking about family, or kids, or any particular person.  (If a person is the sole thing that makes you tick, you might just be codependent.  Look it up.  It’s not good.) No.  What I’m talking about Read More …

Best Advice My Dad Ever Gave Me

Something someone said the other day made me think of the priceless advice my dad gave me years ago. It was vital. His words in that instance are words I have defaulted to many times over the years. They’re powerful and I have shared them countless times. Lets go back in time… You see I Read More …