Well, we’ve made it past to the year of 2020. Yay!!! (Or, Whew!) Is there anyone else out there that’s happy to be “moving on”? I know I am! But, first, let’s give 2020 a quick review in how it treated us here in Quirky-Land.
Top Posts of 2020
(You can also check out the top posts of 2019. Go ahead! You know you want to!)
- 10. The Juggling Act of Life
- 9. Prepared or Not ~ Time to Double Check Everything
- 8. 2nd Blogiversary & Blog Party for My Quirky Friend
- 7. Social Media Networks ~ A Time for Change???
- 6. Do It Yourself Face Masks ~ It’s Easier Than You Think
- 5. Probable ~ Improbable ~ Impossible (It’s that time of year again!)
- 4. Corona-virus: The Strange and The Facts
- 3. You’ve Been Forewarned ~ Apply It Now
- 2. Double Dog Dare You ~ Take the Red Pill
- 1. The Weird Findings of My Quirky Brain Wandering the Internet
Top 3 Posts of All Time
- 1. Medallion vs Mandala ~ What’s the Difference? (Aug. 2019)
- 2. Trash and Treasure (Sept. 2018)
- 3. Funny Texas Stereotypes (Sept. 2019)
This result surprised me! Up until this point, Trash and Treasure has been my “top post” each year. But, I’m glad to see another post is withstanding the test of time. And, that you, my readers are still enjoying my posts. You guys are awesome!
I’ve also seen a pattern emerge. As a rule, I’ve tried to keep my blog as a “light and enjoyable” place. But, it appears that those are not the most popular with my readers, you guys. Which is understandable. In my down time, I also tend to gravitate towards blog posts that will educate or empower me in some way.
So, moving forward I will aim to provide you with a bit more “meat” in my posts. And hopefully, we will grow in new and wonderful ways together in the weeks and months to come. As always, let me know if there’s a specific topic you’ll like me to cover. Your input is always greatly appreciated!
Now to Embrace the Year 2021
According to Troy Brewer with Troy Brewer Ministries, the number 21 has significant meaning within the the Holy Bible. Here’s what he says about the number 21. The number 21 is all about “Light Exposing Darkness”.
“21 represents what the light of truth brings out into the open, whether good or bad. EXPOSURE. It especially seems to be connected with manifest darkness and revealing it for what it really is. There are 21 hidden sins brought out into the open for the last days. (2 Timothy 3:2-5)
Taken from the from The Number Revealed: Part 1 Sermon Notes by Troy Brewer
There are a lot more references that support this meaning of the number 21 in scripture. But, you get the gist. I bring this up because I thought it was interesting. Take note that this numerical meaning coincides with a year in which a majority of people worldwide are praying and looking for corruption to be revealed. People everywhere are wanting truth to be revealed and upheld. From the signs of our times and the year in which we find ourselves, this may indeed be the year it actually happens.
No matter what 2021 has in store for us, it is up to us how we respond to its wiles. It’s ultimately our individual choice as to how much we let the world around us dictate our personal and professional lives. Will we fight for the change we so deeply desire? Will we inspire others to join our cause? How far are we willing to push that proverbial envelope?
Ultimately, like every year before, it’s up to each of us on an individual level to empower the shift that will affect our world. Remember, the choice is your. Choose wisely.
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.“ ~ Philippians 4:8
As always, thanks for stopping by. Have something to add? Let me know your thoughts! Hit the comments and share. Talk to you soon!
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